The Omnibus Account Procedures of Dubai CSD allow SCA Licensed entities and foreign entities regulated by an equivalent regulatory authority to SCA to open and operate an omnibus account. The rules highlight the process to open the account with Dubai CSD, obligations of the operator of the account, transfer of securities from one account to another.
Free of Charge.
- Complete and sign the Investor Number Request Form and complete the Registration to operate Omnibus account request; and submit these through your trading member or custodian
Required Documents
- Complete the Investor Number Request Form & the Registration form to operate Omnibus account and duly signed by the Authorized Signatory.
- In case of local UAE entities attach SCA License.
- In case of foreign entities attach license by an Equivalent Regulatory Authority.
- Valid copy of the Trade License and Commercial Register.
- True copy of the Memorandum of Association.
- A duly authenticated Authorized signatory letter issued by the company.
- Valid copy of the Emirates National ID (for UAE Nationals and Residents) or valid Copy of the Passport of the authorized signatory.
- Bank statement or certified bank letter, Bank account should be in the name of the company.
How to Apply
Licensed Trading Member at Dubai Financial Market or through custodian.