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Depository Members

Dubai Central Securities Depository (Dubai CSD) works closely with the members to provide investors and participants with optimum service levels based on international standards, ensuring that efficiency and transparency are paramount.

Dubai CSD LLC is licensed under the SCA Regulation on Central Depository Activity to operate a central depository. Dubai CSD maintains an electronic scripless book-entry central securities depository for both listed and unlisted securities in dematerialized form for DFM. There are no physical certificates issued for securities listed on the DFM stock exchange. Ownership of securities is evidenced by Dubai CSD’s records and ownership is transferred via book-entry. Dubai CSD provides electronic access to the depository for its members and investors.

Membership Benefits

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A thriving community of regional and international brokers from leading banks and financial institutions.
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A wide range of financial products and asset classes.
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One of the region’s most dynamic, diversified, and innovative markets.

New Depository Member

The following types of institutions may apply to become a Depository Member of Dubai CSD LLC:

Trading Member of a stock exchange.
A clearing member of a Clearing House.
A company licensed by SCA as a safe custodian.
A Settlement Agent member of Dubai Clear LLC.
An issuer of securities listed on a stock exchange.
An issuer of unlisted securities.
Pledgee Members.
Any other institutions as may be approved by the CSD to access the depository system.

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Becoming a Depository Member
Get to know the requirements and contact our team to guide you through the process.